Elevators, Bucket Feeders

Bucket elevators, bucket conveyors, bucket feeders
Bucket elevators are designed for vertical transport. Applications: for transporting bulk materials (e.g. granulates) and fine and medium granular materials. They are not suitable for transporting sticky and heavily agglomerating materials or materials that are difficult to pour.
Bucket elevator - classification
The bucket elevators available in our offer, due to their construction and the presence of bucket carriers, can be divided into belt and chain conveyors.
In addition, elevators can be subdivided by type respectively:
- straight bucket elevator conveyors,
- circular bucket elevators,
- pendulum bucket elevators.
example of a single-channel bucket elevator
Construction of elevators, bucket elevators
A bucket elevator mainly consists of a housing, which can be made of either carbon steel or acid-resistant stainless steel. The body also includes a belt or chain conveyor system. Of course, the head and drive could not be missing from the construction. The elevator buckets we manufacture can be made either from carbon steel, acid-resistant stainless steel, plastic or HARDOX type steel. The bulk material elevators we offer are manufactured in accordance with customer requirements and expectations.
Basic technical data characterising bucket elevators:
- elevator height - vertical distance between infeed and outfeed,
- bucket capacity - the capacity of an individual bucket,
- bucket pitch - the distance between the axes of successive buckets,
- bucket speed - the linear speed at which the buckets move,
- capacity - the ability to move a given volume in a given unit of time, facilitated transport of aggregates.
Bucket conveyors operate in two versions of bucket guidance. In a single-channel or double-channel version.
The material transported in the bucket elevator is taken up by bucket elevators, working in an elliptical pattern, by taking material from the bottom of the conveyor fed through the in-feed opening. It is discharged at the top of the elevator by gravity or centrifugally.